
  • AKRICHeLATOUR_1992_A summary of a convenient vocabulary for the semiotics of human & nonhuman assemblies_BookChapt.pdf
  • CALLONeLATOUR_1983_Pour une Sociologie relativement exacte_Paper
  • LATOUR_1986_The powers of association_BookChapt.pdf
  • LATOUR_1987_Science in action_BookHUP.pdf
  • LATOUR_1992_Where are the missing masses – the Sociology of a few mundane artifacts_BookChapt.pdf
  • LATOUR_1994_Jamais fomos modernos_Book.pdf
  • LATOUR_1994_On technical mediation – Philosophy, Sociology, Genealogy_CommonKnowledge.pdf
  • LATOUR_1994_Pragmatogonies – A Mythical Account of How Humans & Nonhumans Swap Properties_ABS.pdf
  • LATOUR_1998_From the World of Science to the World of Research_Science.pdf
  • LATOUR_1999_Pandoras hope_Book.pdf
  • LATOUR_2000_Ciencia em acao_Book.pdf
  • LATOUR_2000_La fin des moyens_Reseaux
  • LATOUR_2001_A esperanca de Pandora – ensaio sobre a realidade dos estudos cientificos_Book.pdf
  • LATOUR_2002_Morality & technology – the end of the means_TC&S.pdf
  • LATOUR_2004_Redes que a razao desconhece – laboratorios bibliotecas colecoes_BookChapt.pdf
  • LATOUR_2005_Reassembling the social – introduction to actor-network theory_Book.pdf
  • LATOUR_2010_Prendre le pli des techniques_Reseaux.pdf
  • LATOUR_2011_Avoir ou ne pas avoir de reseau_BookChapt.pdf
  • LATOUR_2014_Para distinguir amigos e inimigos no tempo do Antropoceno_RdA.pdf
  • LATOUReCALLON_1981_Unscrewing the Big Leviathan_BookChapt.pdf
  • TEILeLATOUR_1995_The Hume machine – can association networks do more than formal rules_SEHR.pdf